Kamis, 14 November 2013

November Project

November Project

November Project ini proyek kecil-kecilan untuk saya supaya meluangkan waktu untuk menggambar. Dimuai dari sekedar menggambar saya berpikiran lucu juga kalo diserati cerita singkat soal kejadian dibalik gambar tersebut.

I rarely paint or even just sketch something nowadays. So, I decided to make a lil project to push me back to the thing that I always love

 31st of Oct.
Halloween Edition. Witch 


1st of Nov, Onion Girl

2nd of Nov, the strange

3rd of Nov, Kids. Get no moods for any drawings. Suddenly, remembered about the children I taught every Sunday. Tried to draw them in a train on my way to Depok.

4th of Nov. Buddy's Birthday!

5th of Nov, Had a cooking time on that day, with a friend of mine and her Mommy ! :D 

6th of Nov, Had two exam in a day~! 

7th of Nov. I had an exam and tasks huhuhu so many that I couldn't think what I wanted to draw 
8th of Nov. I had no class on that day. Then I had a cookin time with some of my friends. We spent a less time for days. So it was fun. So much fun.

9th of Nov. Wuhuu this was a fun day. Learn a lot of new things

10th of Nov. I woke up late for a practice hahah then I was in hurry to go to station. Thx Dad for made me on time

here they are for the first 10 days, hehe I'll  post the rest later!
catchya later!

+Marissa Abdul+

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