Minggu, 05 April 2015

Make A Progress

For the last month I learned how to connect my ability to make an illustration with another skills. After re-learned about using COREL Draw, I try to learn how to make a video from my drawing. It's all only because of the curiosity of making my drawing moving.  Here are some of my videos

"Learning is one thing and acquiring knowledge is another. Learning is a continuous
process, not a process of addition, not a process which you gather and then from there
act. Most of us gather knowledge as memory, as idea, store it up as experience, and from
there act. That is, we act from knowledge, technological knowledge, knowledge as
experience, knowledge as tradition, knowledge that one has derived through one’s
particular idiosyncratic tendencies; with that background, with that accumulation as
knowledge, as experience, as tradition, we act. In that process there is no learning.
Learning is never accumulative; it is a constant movement"

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